Library & Archive

The Kallir Research Institute owns and administers the former library and archives of the Galerie St. Etienne. The library contains many key art-historical publications on Expressionism and self-taught artists, including hard-to-find catalogues raisonnés. Its holdings on Egon Schiele and Grandma Moses are unrivaled. The archives document the Galerie St. Etienne’s commercial activities over a period of more than 80 years, and also include exhibition correspondence and the research materials used to compile the Richard Gerstl, Grandma Moses and Egon Schiele catalogues raisonnés.
Access to the Kallir Research Institute’s archives is available to qualified scholars engaged in a specific academic research project. If you would like to conduct research at the KRI, please submit your request in writing, including the following information:
-Full name and contact information.
-A brief description of the proposed research, its purpose and subject matter.
-A brief description of the specific materials you would like to access.
-A brief bio, including institutional or academic affiliation and contact information.
-A professional letter of reference, for example from a curator, academic colleague, supervisor or thesis advisor.
-A list of dates when you’d like to visit. Appointments are generally made on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:30 – 5:00. The KRI is not open on weekends.
Applicants should demonstrate a strong need to examine materials in the archives and will be granted access at the KRI’s sole discretion.